Work Package 6 Regulatory, legal issues & business models for RES

WP6 Leader: Romanian Energy Center

What is WP6 about?


1st priority: To study the regulatory, governance and legal issues for the transition up to 100% RES

2nd priority: To investigate on potential the business models of energy systems for the transition up to 100% RES

What are the goals of the WP6?

  • To finalize a set of harmonized network codes and promote their adoption internationally
  • To propose a set of key regulatory principles (“options”) for the future electricity transmission networks
  • To develop a policy roadmap in order to implement the “options” by 2050
  • To investigate the sustainability of business models for RES

How will these goals be reached?

The work will be closely coordinated with the effort of ENTSO-E, in permanent communication with selected TSOs members, and presented on an on-going basis to relevant stakeholder groups.

  • two stakeholder consultations workshops are foreseen (one in Bucharest – regional level, and one in Brussels – European participation) in order to get stakeholders involvement and support in network codes harmonization

RESERVE analyses the environmental, economic and societal (CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility) aspects of different potential energy system designs.

  • several design alternatives are evaluated using methodological tools such as the life cycle assessment and the baseline approach


How is the work done in WP6 related with the others?