RESERVE at InnoGrid2020+
InnoGrid2020+ is THE EU event on innovation in electricity networks. The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) will focus this sixth edition on the arising network of networks, where power grids and transport, telecom and IT, digital and physical link up in an unprecedented manner. Special attention will be devoted to the rapidly evolving transmission-distribution interface.
Are the electricity and transport networks sufficiently integrated? Which hard and soft technologies can enable a smart and sustainable energy system? Which regulation is needed? Will the active customer paradigm and active system management become a reality? What would that mean for networks integration and for the TSOs-DSOs interface? What’s the role of data hubs and what are the European rules related to cybersecurity and privacy? These and many other key questions will be on the agenda.
RESERVE will be represented in the networking lunch area where all projects are exhibiting their work. Our experts: Sean Walsh from ESB Networks, Ireland, Steffen Bretzke from Ericsson Germany and Marco Cupelli from RWTH Aachen, Germany are looking forward to welcoming you.
RESERVE at the EUSEW 2017-Networking Village, 20-22 June 2017, Brussel
Security, in particular cyber-security, has grown in importance for energy providers in recent years. Attacks on power networks can cause great disruption to economic activity and even cost the lives of citizens. Additionally, in energy networks of 100% renewables, stability provided so far typically by fossil fuel turbines is not granted and will need to be compensated for. These major challenges for the future DSOs are addressed by the SUCCESS and RESERVE projects, and comprise the pillars of the theme of the stand.
Living in a safe and secure society is a fundamental human need. The security of critical infrastructures must be maintained so that supplies of power, water or other resources are secured. Modern critical infrastructures are increasingly complex and they are turning into Cyber-Physical Infrastructures because ICT is growing in importance in infrastructure management. The SUCCESS project will develop an overarching approach to threat and countermeasure analysis with special focus on the vulnerabilities introduced by Smart Meters. The main challenge is to create the conditions in Europe for the future energy system to be as reliable as todays. Starting from a security by design approach and placing resiliency and survivability in focus, a new joint design of Energy Infrastructure and ICT is proposed.
At the same time, climate change is focusing attention at global level on finding solutions to the challenges of operating the energy networks efficiently based on the use of up to 100% renewable energy sources (RES) for generation. Centralized energy systems need to become decentralized to implement this goal. New concepts and techniques for ancillary services supporting voltage and frequency control for high RES integration levels are urgently needed as leading TSO’s and DSO’s are already reaching the limits of current technologies. More efficient energy systems with high levels of RES integration will require new distributed energy and ICT system architectures and will need to integrate the use of 5G ICT into the design of ancillary services to ensure system stability. The RESERVE project tackles the urgent need to find ways to stabilise energy systems with up to 100% RES to generate “RESERVEs” so that society can relax in the knowledge that it has a stable and sustainable energy supply.
The network stand will address the transformation happening in the energy sector due to the increasing adoption of renewable energies, the progressive conversion of the consumers into prosumers and the new functionality of home devices, such as Smart Meters and Smart e-Vehicle chargers, which will be soon able to communicate directly with the utilities. The electrical energy production will become more and more decentralized and the grid an open system involving a large number of players. Making the grid open requires developing comprehensive new technologies to secure the reliability and stability at the system level.
With our presence at the Networking Village, we want to maximize the scientific, industrial and societal impact of our both projects. We want to increase the understanding on the upcoming challenges for the future energy grid. It is our aim to create awareness of the technologies and of the innovation activities within the projects to address these problems but also to receive guiding feedback from the EUSEW attendees that will be incorporated in the strategic orientation of the two projects.
Therefore, our expected target groups are:
- DRS & LCE Horizon2020 projects: To embed and take in consideration other technological concepts during each phase of research and development, as well as to build bridges with other European projects.
- Smart Grid Industry associations: to create awareness of the challenges and the validated project results, and to ensure that these results meet the requirements of the energy community and have its wide support.
- Smart Meter Manufacturers associations: to create awareness of the challenges and the validated project results, and to ensure that these results meet the requirements of the Smart Meter community and have its wide support.
- Public Administrations – regional/local authorities: to create awareness of the validated project results concerning lurking threats, research concepts and the vision of the future smart grid.
- Energy & ICT standard setting groups: to create awareness of the goals, results and benefits of the projects and give feedback regarding the joint configuration of ICT and Smart Grid technologies for critical infrastructures.
- Energy & ICT research communities: to promote further research based on our results and concepts, towards the research gaps for joint optimization of ICT and Utility goals.
BRIDGE Event and Cooperation Group for Smart-Grid and Storage projects
17-19 January 2017, Brussel
The RE-SERVE Project has been pro-actively involved in the two meetings organized within the framework of the BRIDGE Cooperation Group for Smart-Grid and Storage projects funded under Horizon 2020 and supported by the European Commission DG ENER and DG Connect. Coordination and exchanges on Business Models, Consumer Engagement, Data Management and Regulation were the key topics discussed by more than 80 participants during the individual Working Group meetings and the Coordination meeting organised between Tuesday 17 and Thursday 19 January 2017 at the European Commission DG ENER and DG GROW in Brussels.
Launcht Event at EUW in Barcelona
Ericsson Eurolab in Aachen, Germany, will take the lead on both projects, with Professor Antonello Monti from the RWTH Aachen University as the Technical Manager.
Electrical Supply Board Networks (ESB Networks), a leading company in the energy sector in Ireland at the forefront of smart metering activities, is a key partner across both projects and will implement trials in the resulting solutions from the projects in their home market.
Marguerite Sayers, Managing Director, ESB Networks, says: "Smart energy networks are key to successfully integrating high levels of distributed renewable energy, electric heating and electric transport, and thereby help to deliver a decarbonized future. Advances in smart networks can only be made through pioneering thought leadership and the adoption of next generation technologies.
"Through this collaboration, ESB is engaging with Ericsson, a world leader in communications technology, and European academia, to develop and trial new technologies and standards which will advance the long-term sustainability of the energy industry. Both SUCCESS and RE-SERVE are pioneering projects which will help ensure the security and resilience of energy networks through the transition to decarburization. This partnership demonstrates ESB Networks' commitment to achieving innovative solutions, exploiting new technologies and methodologies to deliver for both our customers and future societies."
Charlotta Sund, Head of Customer Group Industry & Society, Ericsson, says: "With the ongoing transformation of all industries being enabled by 5G, the Internet of Things and Cloud technologies, Ericsson is committed to engaging with leading industry partners in researching and innovating for the world in which everything that can benefit from a connection will be connected. We are delighted to be working with leading utilities and research institutes in exploring and solving the challenges associated with such key issues as cyber security and managing the utilization of maximal renewables while maintaining grid stability and security of supply."
Professor Antonello Monti, Technical Manager, RWTH Aachen University, says: "Future grids will be customer-centric infrastructures: end-users now prosumers will interact with grid operations. RE-SERVE and SUCCESS are two perfectly complementary projects to paint the picture of these futuristic systems. While RE-SERVE will define how the technical interaction should happen, SUCCESS will define how to make sure this interaction is secure, where the end goal is to create a flexible and secure system ready for a carbon-free society."