Work Package 7 Creating Impact with RESERVE
WP7 Leader: Flexible Elektrische Netze - FEN
What is WP7 about?
WP7 is designed to maximise the scientific, industrial and societal impact of the project. It will develop the necessary communication interfaces of the project with the public (including stakeholders, interest groups etc.) in order to create awareness of the concepts, technologies and the innovation activities within the project but also to engage actively with the relevant stakeholders to ensure constant feed-back to the project and to prepare the ground for large scale uptake of our results, in particular our harmonised network codes and enhanced system services.
What are the goals of the WP7?
- To create the necessary tools and interfaces to bring about opportunities for constructive communication between the project and the stakeholders,
- To trigger innovation based on our results and promote SMEs to develop them further,
- To share knowledge with the wider energy communities and to collect and channel the feedback from the audiences to the project participants.
How will these goals be reached?
RESERVE will communicate and disseminate the project concepts and results in WP7 through the interactive communication channels created between the project and target groups.
- WP7 fosters the support for RESERVE ancillary services and network codes by sharing the ongoing work and the achieved results and collecting feedbacks and new inputs from three different target audiences: Standard Development Organizations (SDOs), Stakeholders and the members of the RESERVE Advisory Board
- WP7 assumes the organizational and logistical enabling of communication activities such as workshops, innovation and dissemination events, special sessions in conferences and trail sites open days to promote the interest of the project
- WP7 addresses the gaps in the current educational programmes and the need for professionals with new skills to manage RES based energy networks through the development and organization of an interdisciplinary course at the RWTH International Academy, a Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC), and an ERASMUS Joint Master Degree for creating awareness of RESERVE results between business professionals and graduates.
How is the work done in WP7 related with the others?
The overall communication and dissemination concept of RESERVE is based on the inputs received during the whole project lifetime by all other work packages.