Work Package 3
What is WP3 about?
Power systems with up to 100% RES penetration will encounter issues of voltage stability as well as voltage management in steady state. The stability problem of a power system can be divided, in general, into short time frame ‘dynamic’ scenario and large time frame ‘steady-state’ scenario. WP3 is developing novel methods which ensures stable and efficient operation of low voltage AC (LVAC) grids when high penetration of inverter-based RES are present, and deals with the development of both dynamic and steady-state solutions.
These two scenarios have been named in WP1 respectively SV_A and SV_B and embody two decentralised techniques that can be deployed in harmony. The first is the Dynamic Voltage Stability Margin (DVSM) technique (SV_A), an algorithm to monitor the voltage stability margin and inform a change in the virtual output impedance. The second, named Active Voltage Management (AVM) technique (SV_B) equips inverter-based RES units with the means to actively contribute to the management of voltages on distribution systems, which would otherwise operate in a static and inefficient manner
What are the goals of the WP3?
The goal of this WP is to develop a novel decentralized voltage control solution for LV distribution grids. Such a control algorithm, when deployed, will allow stable and efficient operation of LVAC grids with large number of RES units.
The decentralized voltage control methodology invokes the need of communication architecture, which is also discussed and studied in this WP.
The WP also envisions to develop new network codes and modification of existing network codes for the futuristic grids which allow the methods described in this WP to be implemented.
How will these goals be reached?
The work done in this WP consists of two parts:
- Development of dynamic voltage stability solutions: This study concerns the short time frame voltage stability of LVAC grids. It involves the development of a voltage stability monitoring algorithm which is capable of guaranteeing robustness of system operation pertaining to dynamic voltage stability. It in effect tries to minimize the voltage oscillations in this system. The DVSM technique is reported in D 3.2.
- Development of steady state voltage solutions: This study concerns the steady state operation of distribution grids. It involves the determination of optimal power set points and management of the steady state voltage profile and unbalance in the network. The AVM technique is reported in D 3.2 and has been verified in a simulation environment using historic data on a real LV distribution grid.
The research effort done in WP3 is a critical step in validating the voltage control concepts. Developing the technology and demonstrating the hardware functioning in a live environment will raise the TRL of both voltage concepts.
How is the work done in WP3 related with the others?
For the concepts to become a reality, synergies with the other WPs have to be created.
ICT development is to be undertaken within WP3, building on content delivered by WP1 in D1.2 and D1.3.
WP3 poses also the theoretical basis for the technology development and technology demonstration carried out in WP4 and WP5. Within WP5 The Dynamic Voltage Stability Monitoring and AVM technique and are to be deployed in a field-trial operated by the Irish DSO, ESBN. Within WP4 the techniques are to be demonstrated on a test-platform. The SERVO platform is to facilitate the deployment of the techniques in the field-trials, whereby suitable infrastructure is to be installed.
Ancillary service provision and recommendation for network codes, which is the scope of WP6, will take form with the interaction of the technology on a live-network.